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Therapies in Development for Non-Infectious Uveitis

[ Vol. 15 , Issue. 6 ]


M.A. Sadiq, A. Agarwal, M. Hassan, R. Afridi, S. Sarwar, M.K. Soliman, D.V. Do and Q.D. Nguyen   Pages 565 - 577 ( 13 )


Uveitis represents a spectrum of diseases characterized by ocular inflammation that leads to significant visual loss if left untreated. Adequate, long-term control of inflammation with minimal systemic and local adverse effects is the preferred strategy for treating patients with uveitis. Pharmacotherapy for uveitis consists mainly of corticosteroids in various formulations such as topical, local, intraocular and systemic. However, monotherapy with corticosteroids is often unacceptable due to serious adverse effects on various organ systems. There exist limitations with the use of steroid-sparing systemic immunosuppressive agents, as these medications may have significant adverse events and a narrow therapeutic window. Thus, newer molecular targets that act on various steps of the inflammatory pathway appear to be promising emerging strategies for treating uveitis. Specially designed monoclonal antibodies in development can potentially halt the inflammatory processes resulting in remission of the disease. In the index review, novel molecular agents and biological therapies that have shown promising efficacy and safety data in preclinical and clinical studies have been summarized. In addition, new drug delivery systems that may ensure high intraocular therapeutic levels of pharmacologic agents have been highlighted.


Drug-delivery systems, immunomodulatory therapy, non-infectious, treatment, uveitis.


, , , , , , , Stanley M. Truhlsen Eye Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 985540 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5540, USA.

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